Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 66: Holy balls, Batman!

As you all know, we have been on a search for Frankie's family jewels since day 1. We've seen what we thought was one of them but it ended up being a hernia. Well today, my mother was saying to me that she noticed one of his balls yesterday when she changed his diaper! I was like, really?! I must not have been paying attention! So, when I got here today, I checked it out myself and I also told Joe and he took a look because he has much more experience with balls than I do, considering his has a pair of his own. Sure as shit, there's one in there! We know he at least has one now! And, as Frankie's father would say, "That's why the omphalocele has gotten smaller over the last few days! His ball came out of it!"

Frankie is back on continuous feeds. I was so not enthused about this when I walked in today. They were doing a steady 25ml an hour but he was still spitting up, which by the way, is really starting to piss me off. I just feel awful for the baby. Who wants to throw up that many times a day and the look on his face when he does it breaks my heart into a million pieces. Ugghh.... anyhow... Frankie's amazing nurse Amy is going to have him do 33ml and hour for 3 hours and then turn it off for an hour so that he can rest. We shall see how this works. We're bound to find something that works, right? Just so that something else can shift in his O and we can start all over again. It's the name of the game!

Other than that, Frankie has had a good day. He got to meet his cousin Ben today! I have a feeling one day Ben will be teaching Frankie all sorts of great, geeky things! :) I'm truly looking forward to it!

Have a good night everyone. Love to you all!

Me as a baby. No denying Frankie looks like me!

Looks like he's missing part of his finger! Haha! He's not, just to clarify!

Meeting Ben!
Hanging with Great Aunt Beth!

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