Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 64: Insert headline here

When I got here today, Frankie was just waking up from his nap. Oh my goodness... could he have been a little cuter? I don't think so! He was all smiles and was cooing up a storm! It was the best thing to walk in this room and see him like that. Man, we are so antsy to take this little fella home!

Frankie had a great day today. He's still not interested in his bottles. We're beginning to wonder when the day will come that he's interested. I guess it will be whenever there still isn't 20ml left in his belly from the previous feed. It's hard to want a bottle when your belly is full, can't blame the kid. His pga's (what's left in his belly) have been a little bit higher this evening. Anywhere from 20-35ml. They are still subtracting that from his 75ml feed so that he isn't getting too much volume.

He is a little over 20.5in long now and is just shy of 8lbs 4 oz now. So, he is gaining weight, just not as much as they'd like. But, he is gaining. Hopefully we can get this throwing up situation under control and he can start gaining more. He is still throwing up a little. He spit up a little before I got here today but once we were both here it was a little more. Still nothing like he was when this first started though. We'll get through it and then he'll be back to eating bottles. Hopefully sooner rather than later. At least he has that ng tube though!

We have been advised by a couple nurses that we should start watching our discharge videos and taking the CPR class. There are 4 dvd's that we have to watch and a CPR class that we must attend before we can take him home. They said we should hop to it so we aren't trying to cram it all in in the last couple days we're here because we will be doing so much other stuff on those days. We've also been advised to get flu shots so that we don't get sick and then give it to Frankie. Especially when we go home. Speaking of, don't forget to wash those grubby hands before you touch my baby. Mmm'k? Thanks ya'll! :)

Since Frankie is on .1 of his oxygen, the next step down would be regular old room air. So, we disconnected his oxygen just to see how he would do. He did good! His stats were good and he only dipped down when the pulse ox wasn't picking up which happens all the time. It misreads constantly. Thankfully we know how to work all the gadgets here! So,they may or may not try and take him off of it. We shall see. It's up to the doctors.

That's all for now. Love to you all!

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