Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 36: Frankie Forgets and the Cards lose...

So Frankie Field would like to apologize for not watching the game tonight, causing the Cardinals to embarrass themselves. He could not reach the remote from his crib and we were not here to help. Now if he has his mother's arms, he wouldn't need a remote. We came by earlier for a few hours before dinner. The boy was sleeping like a brick. But once again, Frank Forgets was awoken at shift change time. That sucked, as we were on our way out the door to eat dinner with Cody and Anna. Fortunately my mother was on her way up, so she got to hang out with the boy while he was awake. Alex and I went to Cody and Anna's new place for an amazing dinner. It was just homemade pizza, but man that women can cook. We proceeded to watch a little of the Cards game. This was the first time they have used their TV for watching broadcasted television. With just an antenna, there are now 27 channels to watch. We headed back here around 9 and hung out with my mother for about an hour. Frankie Fingers got a little worked up as we arrived, but after re-wrapping the omphalocele and giving him a bath, he was doing much better. Fell right asleep and has been like that all night. His air is still 3 liters at 30% and his feed are up to 22cc and hour. He did spit up a little milk earlier, but that is to be expected now that he is getting closer to his max feeds. We decided that we are going to just measure the omphalocele once a week, so on Friday 10/28 we will have a new measurement.

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