Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 34: Dank Frank is Sa-Moking.

Outrank Frank is having a pretty good day. No violent outbursts, that's more than I can say about his mother. She beats me sometimes, but it's my fault.  Frankie Yankie was asleep when we got here, but woke up soon after needing a diaper change. After we took care of that and cleaning him up a little, we, once again, re-wrapped the omphalocele. It looked good, it's a little worn on his left side from his knee hitting it, but it hasn't sprung a leak or anything. I took a couple pictures of it and I actually measured it so I can keep track of its size changing. The circumference of the omphalocele itself is 10 3/4". So divide that by pi and you get a diameter of 3.42 inches or a radius of 1.71 inches. The "bust" of the omphalocele is 16". The boys weight is up to a little over 7 pounds 6 ounces. While his fathers is up to 168. That's six pounds this 34 day period. At this rate, I will weigh 177 in mid December if he stays that long. I'm gonna have to start shopping at short and fat stores. If I cut my hair like my dad, I might resemble Danny Devito. And yes, that is a chosen hair style for my father, it just hasn't changed in thirty years. He's not actually bald. Thankful Frankful slept for a little while while we ate dinner. Came back and had kinda a "did that really happen moment." At shift change for the nurses, the one nurse explained to the other, quite loudly next to the crib, that Frankie Slumber isn't very happy when he is woken up. (Like his mother, but hers last all day) Guess who woke up. He was crabby as all get up. So for the next to 2 hours we tried to console him, and snuck in a bath, too. He finally gave up a little after 9 and has been out cold since. His air is still the same, 3 liter at 30% and his feeds are up to 20cc per hour. That's about all. Tomorrow we are going to Claunch's Golf Tournament where Frankie Fairway has graciously sponsored a hole.

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