Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 5 Francenzo, a Rebel without a Cause

Day five, the boy has an official name. Francenzo Michael DiFranco. Watch, he will end up all albino Swedish blondie like Alex and cause mass confusion for the rest of his life. But at least he will be unforgettable. My Albino Swedish Cutie, Alex, was given her walking papers this morning. After an hour and forty five minute discharge, from the hospital of course, she was free at last. We ran to Walgreens to fill her prescriptions for the good stuff, ate some Steak N Shake and both proceeded to pass out on the couch. Woke up around 5, showered and came up here to the NICU. We had some wonderful company tonight, My father, stepmother, sister, stepbrother, mother in law, and the wonderful Rose Hefele. Everyone was gone by 8:30, 9:00ish. Its now a little after midnight, we have just been hanging with the boy and listening to some good music. I swapped the Mozart junk for the best of the Rat Pack. Frankie serenading Frankie. Well Alex is back from dispensing liquid gold and I promised I would leave after that. Just going to upload a new picture of Frank the Tank. 

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