Thursday, August 1, 2013

Speechless <3

Speechless defines the way I feel, 100%.
  1. Unable to speak, esp. as the temporary result of shock or some strong emotion.

Strong, happy emotions flood me as I write this! Frankie went and saw his surgeon for a post-op visit. We couldn't have asked for a better visit. Frankie has maintained his weight! He is going on 3 weeks with no feeding tube! How lucky are we to FINALLY see this day?! Man, it has been a long time comin'. So thankful. Also, Frankie's belly looks great and feels great! All is holding well together. Get this... Frankie doesn't need to be seen again for 6 MONTHS! That means only yearly visits for cardiology and a 6 month visit for surgery! After that, I'm sure they'll be yearly, too. I'm just so happy, beyond happy! He is one incredible, incredible child. BLESSED. 

Here's a photo of Frankie with the astounding Dr. Keller himself! 

We can not thank Keller and his team enough for all they have done to not only save our child's life, but improve it. Bring normalcy back to it. Love them all tremendously! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex,

    I am so happy for you all! I was reading this with tears of joy!! The love, commitment, and unbelievable strength that you all have is AMAZING!! We still talk about Miss Alex from Hippity Hop and Rainbow (b/c there was then a Mr. Alex in Rainbow), and Calvin knows about Frankie. What an inspiration you all are!! Take good care.

    Marta, Ben, Calvin, and Eli
