Today, Frankie went to the pediatrician. He weighed in at 12lbs 5 oz, but that was with clothes on and a wet diaper, so we are thinking he's around 12 lbs or a little over. I will weigh him on my scale tomorrow. Didn't find it necessary to weigh him twice today. Since December Frankie has grown 4 inches in length. He's finally on the growth chart for length! And, since last month he has gained almost 2 lbs! The doctor is VERY pleased! This means his food is doing the trick and he's handling it well which is even better! Frankie is currenlty getting 117ml over 4 hours. That's 3 ml shy of 4 oz. And, it's still fortified. For the longest time we had his food go in over 3 hours and then he was off for an hour. Now we are getting the food in in 2.5 hours and he's off for an hour and a half! We're making progress, slowly, but it's progress! Joe and I believe this will be a slow process because he's spitting up just a tiny bit now with the change. It will just take time. We can handle that!
After leaving the pediatrician we had to take Frankie to get his 4 month shots (1 month late). We can't get them at the doctors office because of the state health care. We had to go to the South County Health Center to get them. Yuck! It's better than the city locations but it's still gross! Frankie recovered quickly from the shots but he cried. And it hurt my feelings! I felt terrible for him. Poor baby!
Over all, Frankie is doing SUPER! He's growing very well! We qualified for First Steps so now Frankie will have all the therapy he needs until he is 3 or catches up and gets his O taken care of before then! This is very exciting! I've been working hard with him everyday! Physical therapy exercises, speech stimulation exercises! Tons of stuff! And he's doing well!
Hopefully after Frankie's hernia surgery in April (not scheduled just yet) we can get him off the oxygen. They are leaving him on it until after the surgery in case he needs it. Also, when we go back to the neonatologist in April we are going to talk about his meds and see if we can get him off of some of them. Tuesday next week, we go to the cardiologist to check on his PPHN. Praying for nothing but good news! Of course, I will let you all know how that goes!
If you'd like a Frank the Tank shirt let me know and I will get one ordered for you. They're super cute! And they are $20. A majority of the $20 goes towards the March of Dimes and the rest covers the shirt.
That's all for now! Love to you all! Oh and we finally have some new pics of his O!
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