Saturday, June 29, 2013

Post Op Day 4

HUGE day for Frankie the incredible! Frankie passed yet another ERT this morning and is officially extubated! Thank you Lord! He's been on O2 all day (like he used to be before his ASD repair). He was on 1 liter but they put him on 2 just to have the extra flow. His O2 sats have constantly been at 100%. I assume tomorrow they will start to wean the O2 but they wanted to leave him chillin' the way he is for 24 hours after extubation. 

Frankie is very jittery from the stop of all of his sedation medications. But not enough for them to give him any to make him chill. He's still pretty weak. He's trying to roll over to sleep on his belly but doesn't have the strength to do it just yet. As for sleeping, he didn't do much of it today. He has been so jittery that he wakes easily and has a hard time falling asleep. He literally just closed his eyes (7:29pm). I'm hoping he sleeps like a rock. He needs it. 

Surgery just popped in and took a look at him. His incision looks good, his belly is softer, he's tooted and pooped a couple times now! Big deal right there! I didn't think I'd ever be so excited about poop and toots! But I am! The plan is to take his replogle out (suctioning stuff out of his belly) and replace it with a ng tube and start feeding him tomorrow. Little steps in that department. We don't want to do too much too fast. 

Frankie is still getting his PD (therapy to break up the goop in his sleepy lung). He's coughing some up every now and then. Sounds yucky. His X-ray this morning showed improvement and they don't plan on doing one in the morning. Just continuing the PD. 

So, tomorrow (if all goes splendid this tonight) Frankie will start eating and move to the floor! Praying overnight goes perfectly! 

He's been more of himself today. Talking a little. Watching some tv and holding some toys. He's coming around a little bit at a time. Joe and I are so happy that we have our Frankie back! It's been SO hard for us not to see those eyes and smile or hear that voice! 

Here's a picture of the sleepy head:

Love to all! 

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